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Saturday 19 February 2011

          Long time no blog, just being busy with shit in my life. The past two weeks I've been drifting between the real and the dream. I got told by the girl I really like that I can't go out with her even though she likes me and I can't tell her this because it would make her avoid me and also make her sad. Why is life so shit? Why does everything good always turn to shit or is it just me. Does everything I touch turn to shit? Even cockney music is failing to cheer me up.

          I wish I could articulate myself better but to be frank, I can't. My mind is full of hate towards me among so many people including my family and so called friends. People talk about me behind my back but I have no idea what they are saying or when they say it but I know they are talking. If anyone has any thoughts please help me. Leave a comment below, non anon is best but if you must then go for it.

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