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Wednesday 17 November 2010


Music now take many forms and the ancients and founders of this art form would look upon us and frown. We have turned their once great art to a mediocre popularity contest. Why must we conform with this pop culture? Who decides who is part of popular music? Just because they are pop means they get more money even though they may only make one single. This is what I believe to be unjust. Why should we be dictated who we should listen to. What if I wish to listen to unpopular music, does this make me unpopular within my culture. What if my music tastes do not fit with the societies' idea of good music. Does this make me an outcast?
What happens when my favourite musicians change to fit in with popular culture?
In my eyes this means they sold out for the money and changed but to the rest of you they became more diverse and ultimately lost fans (although not a lot) in order to gain a better social status and a greater income. In my eyes this is wrong.

Any thoughts, just comment.


1 comment:

  1. Hey G! John here :)
    I completely agree with your ideology of music becoming a used tool in today's capitalist culture.
    But you don't need to care. The music, for example, i listen to makes me happy no matter what. Forget about these X Factor wannabee's and concentrate on giving your valuable time to artists who only care about sending a message and writing songs which they are dedicated to. I suggest listening to Radiohead. Takes a while to get into their stuff, but it really opens your eyes. Or why not make your own music. Fight back, man!
    Take care :)
