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Monday 6 December 2010

Impressionable Teenagers

I hate how modern media forms promote ideas that are false. Like how the twilight saga has promoted the idea of having someone to love is great, which it is. But if they leave then to move on. Which is also fine. But if they return then to swap between each one, that is wrong. I hate how modern girls believe that can treat guys how ever they want and then turn around and blame guys because they play a game. The game in question is of course Call of Duty. Some guys do not play video games and some may play it but are not obsessed with it. The generalisation is what annoys me. I hate how girls will go around using nice guys making them players then when they go out with a player crying that all boys are evil. I am sorry, if you don't like certain boys. Do not Bloody date them then. If you want to have a good relationship, then go out with a nice guy. But I can say the same for guys. If you want to go out with a slag, then go out with one. Do not expect your girlfriend to drop her knickers (or female boxers) just because you want them too nor should you pressure them into doing it. If this is too much for you and you must shag something then do not cheat. You wouldn't cheat on the mother of your child and if you did then you are a evil person. You will have a spot saved for you next to Hitler in hell.

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