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Wednesday 22 December 2010


Most people around the world take part in the charade of Christmas. Eating loads of food, spending time with family you don't like and giving gifts. Many people will know nothing of the symbolism behind each Christmas object. The presents; Saint Nicolas gave gifts to a poor family. The Evergreen tree; previously a pagen symbol but used to represent the never ending love of God. ETC...The message of Christmas is to spend time with family, give to those who do not have and revise for January exams. Gifts and trees and crackers and santa do not have anything to do with this but we have become so obsessed with it. If you want to truly celebrate Christmas then you must receive no gifts. You must give generously to the poor. You must help out your family and must revise until you know those text books word for word. This will not happen. No child will ask for no gifts, no child will then give those gifts to the poor. And very few will revise let alone memorise the book. Although I know a few that might already know the book word for word. I don't like Christmas because it's true message has been lost over the years. I just hope future generations can forgive our short comings and enjoy the message of Christmas as it was meant.

Enjoy the holidays, revise hard and eat well.


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