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Saturday 4 December 2010

First Rap

I see the beauty in the world then later MC bout me
While you sit by and try
While you cry
Slowly dying in this game, while I seek fame
All the fans know my name
And when you step on the stage they scream WHO?!
The fucking hell are you
You stand there and choke
Cos you try to lie about how I am broke
But you cry when you know you are
So my words will affect you
And leave a scar on your mind
But cos I’m kind I’ll teach you
I’ll preach and screech till I’m blue in the face
While I’m all up in your personal space
I’ll shout while you pout and turn away and turn colour grey
Suck this gay feeling away
I’m not talking about homosexual
Cos I remember back in school
Learning that that’s wrong
To spit hate in a song
But they were wrong
It’s fine to be gay
Just stay true to the path and don’t stray
I rap my thoughts feelings as emotions too
I don’t intestinally aim to screw, you
I’m the driver behind my wheel
I’m the midnight thief looking to steal you from your bed so I can leave you for dead
You can’t touch this
I’m MC hammer
Didn’t you get that? (No)
Cos you’re as thick as a spanner
I aint time to rhyme about you but I’ll check my planner
I’m free next week
You’ll see that i'm the geek of the street
I know everyone
Mother, father, daughter and son
Am I right?
Don’t try to fight this
Let it take hold of you
Feel my boldness
Not bald
I got hair
I got skill and lots of lyrical flair
I spit bars so well I don’t drive shit cars like you
My left shoe is worth more than you
Now you got me talking bout feet
So what I’ll do is greet you
When I next meet you with a boot to the chest
Cos I’m above the rest
I party with the best
Party all night on the docks of Dover
Wake up next day with no hangover
Cos that’s bad
It would make me mad
I don’t rap when I’m sad
I lie on my bed while playing my DSi
But please don’t cry
Its lots of fun now that I’ve won and the sun comes out each day in the sky
I’ll pull out my gun and shoot you in the face
Leave a mess all over the place
But words are my ammo
Back in the day it was all bout Habbo
Bobba this and Bobba that
Bobba in all your chit chat
There aint no block in my talk
I got it all on lock
Chicks and cars
Now even my bars too
I aint done this for long
May half a year
So lend me you ear and you’ll hear something great
But don’t be late or you might miss this shit
I don’t intestinally Diss but if it’s shit then I will
She’s my pill
So I’m a user
She calls me a loser but its love
You’re all alone
No one wants you
There must be someone though
But who?
She’ll have nine toes and a stump for a leg
A hump on her back and warts on her head
But even that’s too good for you
Now leave and don’t come back
Go to hell
But the devil won’t want ya cos you smell of failure
That I’m sure
U failed every test and put your name in the wrong box
Got scars on your face cos of chicken pox
I’ll pick up this world and drop it on your head, leaving you dead lying in an eternal bed cos I’m strong as an ox
This is the first of many
My bars are so heavy
They’ll squish you
I can use rasengan or sharingan
That goes out to Ginn
He knows the game and how not to win
You need not play
Only pray for better rhymes but that’ll take time
Which I don’t have
I gave all mine away
Now you’re my slave that I don’t pay
If I got you a wife
You’d owe me your life
I keep meaning to stop
But instead I’ll go fishing
For new ways to twist your lies all that I despise
New forms of dissing
Kissing you with death’s lips around your hips
Near your bum cheek
Every time you talk you send me to sleep
I’m getting bored of you
You put two and two together and end up with five
I’m burying you alive with my words and rhymes
Your shits so bad it should be a crime
Get locked up and end up doing time
Just stop.
It’s over.
You’ll need more luck then a four leaf clover provides
I’ll be strong as the thing when I swing for you
Out for a week
That’s kind of peak
I will give you a second chance to take a second glance over your stuff
To make it real like a snuff movie
I can spit it fast or slow
Make it go hi ho like dock or happy
Then I’ll flip it and turn snappy like a croc
Don’t act like it’s a shock for me to be this good
I was born in the hood
This is one big verse
With no chorus or breaks
It flows well like a winding lake
I can bite you like a poisonous snake
My venom’s my word
But that’s absurd
Impossible even?
Not for me cos I’m smart like Steven
If you didn’t get that then there’s no hope
Hawking’s a G
Just like me
If only you’d see that you can never beat me
Your flow is slow and don’t make any sense
I can buy all your stuff for only 5 pence
I’m a wheeler dealer like Del boy
I can hit you harder than them Greeks in troy
My bars are so good they should be made illegal
I can drop bombs on your head just like a seagull
Or take you out like 9/11
Just step on your head with my big size sevens
Bite off your head like a great white shark
Kill you alone in the dark
I’m a white boy rapping
My word gun’s done capping
You can’t tease me easy cos your rhymes are cheesy
Mild like cheddar
My rhymes are better
So high like a guy doing weed
That’s what you’ll need to come close to me
There aint no test that need be done
This’ battles over
And I’ve won.

Aint got a Title so any ideas would be very appreciated.

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