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Monday 15 November 2010

Modern Life

Modern humanoids have become obsessed with technology. ( I am no exception)
It is how we use this obsession is now what defines us. Some us it to catch up with so called friends on networking site such as bookface or myplace. Some use it to legally stalk celebrities and tell the world every time they take a shit or breath on sites such as twatter. Yet again, I fall into this category but unlike the hoards of morans reading this I poke fun at humanity and all it's flaws which there are many many many, to many to imagine. 
I am a posed to the media influences on the youth. The main one I am talking about is Twilight. This tells young girls that it is acceptable to love two people, which it is, but use both while the other is away. THAT IS WRONG. I hate the way that most boys are called evil manipulate humans by girls that do that because of things like Twilight. Girls who go for bad boys will get hurt, if you only go after the same type of guys then you will end up with the same results...hurt.
Any comments or ideas for the next blog, message me.

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