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Saturday 27 November 2010

Recent Student Protest

I cannot comment on the protest of 10/11/10 as I was not there but I can however comment on the protest on 24/11/10. We were surrounded by police and held without water or toilet facilities. A police officer suggested I used the street as a toilet. According to media, a police fan was abandoned due to fears of safety. They also said we were kettled in. The correct term is bubble. If they left in such a hurry, why did they lock the doors? They couldn't drive 10 meters to safety? It was a trap. They wanted us to become trapped and ultimately violent so they could control what they posted to the world. They showed images of violent students and denied using 'horse charges'. But we fought back. We captured them on film charging at us. Now we have our evidence. Now begins the dawning of a new day. A new age. The age of the students.
The apparently blood thirsty and violent students.

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