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Thursday 3 March 2011


I love films and have over 100 films in alphabetical order in my room.
They are.

8 mile
10,000 BC
Angels and Demons
Battlestar Galacteca: the Plan
Black Xmas
The Crazies
The Dark Knight
The Da Vinci Code
Death Race
Dorian Grey
Fast and the Furious
2 fast 2 furious
Final Destination 1-3
Forgetting Sarah Marshall
Get Him To The Greek
Harry Potter 1-5
Hellboy 1-2
Hot Fuzz
Hurt Locker
The incredible Hulk
I Am Legend
The Invention Of Lying
Iron Man
Kevin and Perry Go Large
The Knowing
King Arthur
The Longest Yard
The Lord of the rings 2
Matrix 1-2
Meet the Spartans
Michael Mcintyre Live at Wembly
The Mist
Mr and Mrs Smith
Mummy 3
Oceans 1-3
Paul Blart: Mall Cop
Pirates Of Carribean 1-3
Pitch Black
Public Enemies
James Bond: Quantum of Solance
Resident evil 1-3
Role Models
Scary Movie 1-4
Seven Pounds
Shawshank Redemption
Shaun of the Dead
Shutter Island
Spiderman 1-3
Starsky and Hutch
Star Trek
Star Wars 1-6
Sweeny Todd
Taking of Pelham 123
Terminator 3
Transporter 3
Tropic Thunder
Three and Out
Underworld 1-3
Van Helsing
What Happens in Vegas
X Men: Wolverine Origins

Saturday 19 February 2011

          Long time no blog, just being busy with shit in my life. The past two weeks I've been drifting between the real and the dream. I got told by the girl I really like that I can't go out with her even though she likes me and I can't tell her this because it would make her avoid me and also make her sad. Why is life so shit? Why does everything good always turn to shit or is it just me. Does everything I touch turn to shit? Even cockney music is failing to cheer me up.

          I wish I could articulate myself better but to be frank, I can't. My mind is full of hate towards me among so many people including my family and so called friends. People talk about me behind my back but I have no idea what they are saying or when they say it but I know they are talking. If anyone has any thoughts please help me. Leave a comment below, non anon is best but if you must then go for it.

Friday 4 February 2011

Friday 14 January 2011

Late Mid Week Post

I know this isn't midweek but I had exams. Exams are the main reason education is going down the drain. People prepare for them and not learning the true work. An A in Maths doesn't mean they are good at Maths just means they know how to prepare for exams. This messes them up in the future when the knowledge that should've been learnt will have to be applied to other areas. This is what is failing the system and there seems to be no escape.

Friday 7 January 2011

Mid Week Post

I am sorry for missing out this week but had college and arsenal. This past week has taught me who are your true friends and who are just there for when you help them.

Fake friends can fuck off.

Wednesday 29 December 2010

Thought of the week

Friday will be the last day of 2010. To me everyday could be the last day, but not of the week or month or year but our lives. So be thankful for each day. Take the time to enjoy the little things and not get bogged down with the long run. Never put of something that you can do. Tell the person that you fancy them, worse they can say is they don't like you back. You will regret not asking more then anything else in the world.

Death will come to everyone, could be today or not. Enjoy life, it doesn't last forever.

Wednesday 22 December 2010


Most people around the world take part in the charade of Christmas. Eating loads of food, spending time with family you don't like and giving gifts. Many people will know nothing of the symbolism behind each Christmas object. The presents; Saint Nicolas gave gifts to a poor family. The Evergreen tree; previously a pagen symbol but used to represent the never ending love of God. ETC...The message of Christmas is to spend time with family, give to those who do not have and revise for January exams. Gifts and trees and crackers and santa do not have anything to do with this but we have become so obsessed with it. If you want to truly celebrate Christmas then you must receive no gifts. You must give generously to the poor. You must help out your family and must revise until you know those text books word for word. This will not happen. No child will ask for no gifts, no child will then give those gifts to the poor. And very few will revise let alone memorise the book. Although I know a few that might already know the book word for word. I don't like Christmas because it's true message has been lost over the years. I just hope future generations can forgive our short comings and enjoy the message of Christmas as it was meant.

Enjoy the holidays, revise hard and eat well.
