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Tuesday 30 November 2010

Protest 30/11/10

Today was the day we became smart. Today we didn't allow ourselves to become bubbled. We kept moving. This made them angry. They had to charge at us. Now we must continue this. Stop attacking police vans and show the media the truth. Show them the fact we are being attacked for being peaceful. Continue to protest and continue to make change possible.

Sounds about right.

Monday 29 November 2010


Losing a loved one is always hard. It becomes harder when your ability to vent emotions is non existent. If you have a shoulder to cry on then congrats. It's more then I had. It's been 6 and a half years since the death of my nan. I am unable to vent real emotions. I pretend to and ultimately this is part of me. To hide everything that makes me, me. I remember at the funeral being unable to cry. I acted like a normal day. It was the only way I could cope. Now I look back, It makes me sad to think that she never got a chance to meet my little brother, Jack, or my sister Jessica-Jane. Then I look to the future. I see my own passing. Whether it be seconds after this blog is posted or on the eve of my 100th birthday and therefore miss out on receiving my birthday card from the Queen. Well king, ether William or Harry. If I do last until I am 99, I would've only started to receive my pension 3 years earlier due to depression. I wonder if there is any point in me taking part in the game we call life just to be taken when I least expect it. Most days, I refuse to. I tell myself that I will not marry and not have children but. But on the rare day I feel worthy of a wife and kids I am happy. In my eyes the dead are never truly gone as they leave a scar on your heart which shall never heal.

(I may regret putting this up but It has plagued my mind for so long I needed to release it)

Saturday 27 November 2010

Lost Cause

In my eyes, there is no such thing as a lost cause. As long as there is a minimal hope/chance of success then it is not a 'Lost Cause'. The youth are apparently a lost generation, disconnect with society. Society is controlled by the adults. When the current adults were adolescents they were disconnected with their adults, our current OAPs. So why are we (the youth) a lost generation? If you asked most youth their thoughts on the current economic climate and potential solutions then you would hear some decent answers. Not bad from a bunch of people apparently out drinking on street corners between popping out babies and gaining the additional ASBO by stabbing people. I say no. The percentage of young people out stabbing people and committing ASBO related acts are about as low as the percentage of people who actually believe the BNP are onto a good idea. It doesn't take a Steven Hawking to realise that it's pretty low and if you actually agree with BNP then please go away as this is clearly too smart for you, so please go in the corner and play with some colour pencils.

Recent Student Protest

I cannot comment on the protest of 10/11/10 as I was not there but I can however comment on the protest on 24/11/10. We were surrounded by police and held without water or toilet facilities. A police officer suggested I used the street as a toilet. According to media, a police fan was abandoned due to fears of safety. They also said we were kettled in. The correct term is bubble. If they left in such a hurry, why did they lock the doors? They couldn't drive 10 meters to safety? It was a trap. They wanted us to become trapped and ultimately violent so they could control what they posted to the world. They showed images of violent students and denied using 'horse charges'. But we fought back. We captured them on film charging at us. Now we have our evidence. Now begins the dawning of a new day. A new age. The age of the students.
The apparently blood thirsty and violent students.

Wednesday 17 November 2010


In this society we must ask ourselves if we are truly free.
I believe we are not. But fuck the system.
Here I'm going to post poetry I have written.

Poem 1:

Love is
By Giordano Di Pino-Forino

Life is good
And life is grand
The best thing in life
Doesn’t weigh a pound
The London Eye at Sunset. A visual representation of the poem.
Love will come
And love will go
Love will knock you
To and thro
Love is good
And love is bad
Love will make you
Very sad
But at the same time
Very glad
You had it to hold
So now you have a story
Waiting to be told.

Yet again, any comments will be welcomed



Music now take many forms and the ancients and founders of this art form would look upon us and frown. We have turned their once great art to a mediocre popularity contest. Why must we conform with this pop culture? Who decides who is part of popular music? Just because they are pop means they get more money even though they may only make one single. This is what I believe to be unjust. Why should we be dictated who we should listen to. What if I wish to listen to unpopular music, does this make me unpopular within my culture. What if my music tastes do not fit with the societies' idea of good music. Does this make me an outcast?
What happens when my favourite musicians change to fit in with popular culture?
In my eyes this means they sold out for the money and changed but to the rest of you they became more diverse and ultimately lost fans (although not a lot) in order to gain a better social status and a greater income. In my eyes this is wrong.

Any thoughts, just comment.


Tuesday 16 November 2010

Attention seeking

This can be a cry for help from someone who is to scared to ask for it
Just a shameless attempt to justify one's existence while making their 'friends' feel bad. The thing about this is that eventually they give up and then you really are alone. What then? Then you are truly pissed. You can attempt to re kindle the bridges previously burnt to the ground or find new people to call friends until they decide to run and hide. This is the problem that faces every attention seeker. Me. This is my place to vent and if you think I am attention please look in a mirror and say that you've never done anything like this. As Jesus said 'He without sin, may cast the first stone.'

Comment back (if ya want)



George Orwell's horrifying book '1984' stated a futuristic world in which we are under the watchful eye of a big brother. This world is similar to the current world we live in. Instead of big brother watching over us, the government uses sites like Facebook to monitor our activity. Now I ask you, are we truly free?

Reply the usual way by asking me a question.


Monday 15 November 2010


There will come a time in my life that this world will feel that I am not needed and I will pass on. Note that when  and only when this time comes that I will give up. Until then I shall stand by your side never moving. Even when you do not want me there I shall be there. I never give up on anyone even though you have given up on me.

Any comment, just message me.

Modern Life

Modern humanoids have become obsessed with technology. ( I am no exception)
It is how we use this obsession is now what defines us. Some us it to catch up with so called friends on networking site such as bookface or myplace. Some use it to legally stalk celebrities and tell the world every time they take a shit or breath on sites such as twatter. Yet again, I fall into this category but unlike the hoards of morans reading this I poke fun at humanity and all it's flaws which there are many many many, to many to imagine. 
I am a posed to the media influences on the youth. The main one I am talking about is Twilight. This tells young girls that it is acceptable to love two people, which it is, but use both while the other is away. THAT IS WRONG. I hate the way that most boys are called evil manipulate humans by girls that do that because of things like Twilight. Girls who go for bad boys will get hurt, if you only go after the same type of guys then you will end up with the same results...hurt.
Any comments or ideas for the next blog, message me.

Sunday 14 November 2010


Humanity is flawed. We have a hole in our heart that can never be filled, greed. The want for more, better and bigger. To show off in an animalism fashion. This is the biggest argument with evidence in disproving creationism and that evolution is true. Why must be put faith in something that has no logically reason to exist. Why must we doubt things that has factual evidence and are also widely accepted. I saw no more. Today is the day of man. Forget the ancients and move on with life. Everyone is equal, end of.

Life and Love

Without love, life is worthless. Love is great but also terrible. Life is terrible but without any form of love is dire. Everyone and anyone needs love and those who say they do are lying. Ignore what they say and love them anyway.